Friday, January 05, 2007

Thomas Frank

"Even while we are happily dazed by the mall's panoply of choice, exhorted to indulge our taste for breaking rules, and deluged with all manner of useful "information", our collective mental universe is being radically circumscribed, enclosed within the tightest parameters of all time. In the third millenium there is to be no myth but the business myth, no individuality but the thirty or so professionally-accepted psychographic market niches, no diversit but the happy heteroglossia of the sitcom, no rebellion but the pre-programmed search for new kicks. Denunciation is becoming impossible: We will be able to achieve no distance from business culture since we will no longer have a life, a history, a consciousness apart from it. It is making itself unspeakable, too big, too obvious, too vast, too horrifying, too much of a cliche to even being addressing. A matter-of-fact disaster, as natural as the supermarket, as resistable as air. It is putting itself beyond our power of imagining because it has
become our imagination, it has become our power to envision, and describe, and theorize, and resist"

-- Thomas Frank, Dark Age, The Baffler

Ahem. Discuss?


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