More Hampi slices
Current day Hampi can be quite an incongrous landsacape. There are many things of different sorts being juxtaposed. Start with the rocky boulder strewn landscape through which the Tungabhadra flows. Courtesy of a (so I read) excellent irrigation system built in Vijayanagar times, that has lasted to this date, put in farms wherever there is some non-rocky land. Then 'strew' in the the ruins among all this. Finally give the place "World Heritage Site" status, ensuring a lot of tourists especially foreign. I had pasta for dinner both nights and onion-tomato-cheese omlette for breakfast while I was there. Since I don't get much opportnity to eat Western at Bangalore, took the opportunity at Hampi :-). There is a profusion of restaurants serving (mediocre) Western food. I chatted with the cook at one of the places and he explained how over years of interaction with foreign tourists, he learnt to cook their food. There is a shop selling "German bread" fresh baked daily, and restaurants that have Israeli food (pita, hummus), and even (I think) Hebrew signs. I spied a local kid shouting out to a surprised tourist something like "Bonjour, ca va bien?" and getting a reply in the same language.
Perhaps I can add as the last incongrous element: me cycling around looking somewhat clownish, black leather shoes, formal clothes and an ill-fitting cap.